Assoc. Prof. Tarik Cavusoglu
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Mid Face Lift Surgery

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Mid Face Lift Surgery

Midface Lift Surgery

Our faces change as we age, including volume loss, sagging skin, and the development of deep lines and wrinkles. Midface lift surgery is one of the best ways to combat these aging symptoms and regain a more youthful appearance.

This procedure lifts the cheeks and reduces the nasolabial folds in the middle of the face. Everything you need to know about midface lift surgery-from its advantages and the procedure itself to the healing process and what to anticipate-will be covered in this comprehensive guide.

What is Midface Lift Surgery?

The goal of mid face lift surgery, also referred to as a cheek lift or subperiosteal midface lift, is to rejuvenate the mid face area of the face. The nasolabial folds and hollows under the eyes are diminished as a result of the surgery, which lifts and repositions the fat and soft tissues of the cheeks to give them a more youthful contour. The end result is a more youthful, refreshed appearance with improved facial harmony.

Benefits of Midface Lift Surgery

  • Restored Volume: A midface lift can bring back lost cheek volume, giving the face a fuller, younger appearance.
  • Reduced Nasolabial Folds: The surgery can significantly lessen the appearance of nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the corners of the mouth to the nose) by elevating the cheeks.
  • Enhanced Facial Harmony: A midface lift can enhance the facial harmony and balance, giving the patient a more attractive appearance.
  • Long-lasting Results: A midface lift typically produces results that last, and many patients continue to benefit from its advantages years after surgery.

The Midface Lift Surgery Procedure

  1. Step 1: Consultation - Your plastic surgeon will assess your facial features, go over your goals, and decide whether you are a good candidate for a midface lift during your initial consultation.
  2. Step 2: Anesthesia - Your comfort comes first, so you'll either receive general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, as recommended by your surgeon.
  3. Step 3: Incisions To reduce obvious scarring, the surgeon will make small, undetectable incisions in the hairline or inside the mouth.
  4. Step 4: Lifting and Repositioning -The surgeon will lift and reposition the fat and soft tissues of the cheeks in step four to give them a more youthful and elevated contour.
  5. Step 5: Closing the Incisions - To reduce scarring, the incisions will be carefully closed with sutures or surgical adhesive.

Recovery and Aftercare

An average mid-face lift recovery time is between one and two weeks. To achieve the best results, it's essential to adhere to your surgeon's aftercare instructions. Common suggestions include the following:

  • Maintaining an elevated head position to reduce swelling.
  • Using cold compresses to lessen swelling and bruising.
  • For at least two weeks, refrain from strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
  • Cleaning the incision sites gently as your surgeon instructs.
  • Using prescription drugs to treat pain and avoid infection.
  • In the first few days after the procedure, swelling, bruising, and discomfort are frequent; however, these symptoms usually go away in one to two weeks. In most cases, it takes 7–10 days for patients to resume work and daily activities.

Surgery for a midface lift can significantly improve the harmony of your face while restoring volume and youthful contours. You can decide whether to have the procedure by being aware of it, its advantages, and the healing process.

It's crucial to speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in facial procedures if you're thinking about having this procedure. They will be able to assess your particular requirements, go over your objectives, and develop a personalized treatment plan to assist you in getting the best outcomes.

Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries about midface lift surgery or would like to arrange a consultation with our knowledgeable staff. We're here to support you as you work toward a revitalized, younger appearance.

Keep in mind that your plastic surgeon's skill and experience will play a major role in the outcome of your midface lift surgery. Spend some time finding a surgeon who has experience performing facial surgeries and a dedication to patient satisfaction. You deserve the best treatment and outcomes for your face because it plays a key role in your overall appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mid-Face Lift Surgery

What is a mid-face lift?

By lifting sagging cheeks, enhancing the appearance of nasolabial folds, and adding volume to the mid-face region, a mid-face lift, also referred to as a cheek lift, aims to rejuvenate the middle third of the face.

How is a mid-face lift different from a traditional facelift?

A mid-face lift concentrates on the middle third of the face, focusing on the cheeks and the region around the nose and mouth, as opposed to a traditional facelift, which primarily targets the lower third of the face and the neck.

Am I a good candidate for a mid-face lift?

People with sagging cheeks, deepening nasolabial folds, and loss of facial volume in the mid-face area are good candidates for a mid-face lift. Patients should have reasonable expectations for the outcomes and be in good general health.

How is a mid-face lift performed?

Various surgical methods, such as endoscopic, minimal access cranial suspension (MACS),or subperiosteal approaches, can be used to perform a mid-face lift. The technique selected is determined by the specific requirements of the patient and the surgeon's experience.

What type of anesthesia is used for a mid-face lift?

Depending on the patient's preferences and the surgeon's recommendation, the mid-face lift procedure can be carried out under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.

How long does a mid-face lift procedure take?

Depending on the surgical technique used, a mid-face lift procedure can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours to complete.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with a mid-face lift?

Infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve damage, facial asymmetry, and anesthesia-related complications are all possible risks and side effects of surgery. In the course of your consultation, your surgeon will go over these risks with you.

How much does a mid-face lift cost?

A mid-face lift may cost more or less money depending on the surgical technique, the surgeon's experience, and the patient's location. The typical price is between $4,000 and $10,000.

Will insurance cover the cost of a mid-face lift?

Insurance frequently does not cover the cost of mid-face lift surgery because it is typically viewed as cosmetic. To ensure your coverage, you must, however, speak with your insurance company.

What is the recovery time for a mid-face lift?

Depending on the patient and the surgical technique used, a mid-face lift recovery time can vary, but most patients can anticipate returning to normal activities in 2 to 3 weeks.

How long do the results of a mid-face lift last?

Many patients experience the rejuvenating effects of a mid-face lift for at least seven to ten years after surgery. The aging process will nonetheless continue, and the outcomes may be influenced by elements like genetics, way of life, and general health.

Can a mid-face lift be combined with other facial procedures?

Yes, a mid-face lift can be combined with other facial procedures like a brow lift, neck lift, or upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty for a more thorough facial rejuvenation.

Will I have visible scars after a mid-face lift?

A mid-face lift typically leaves only minor scarring that is well-hidden in the hairline or natural facial folds. Depending on the surgical technique used and the patient's unique healing process, scarring can vary in size and visibility.

What can I expect during my initial consultation for a mid-face lift?

Your plastic surgeon will assess your facial features during your initial consultation.

How soon can I return to work after a mid-face lift?

Most patients who have a mid-face lift can go back to work in 2 to 3 weeks. The precise time frame will, however, depend on your personal healing process and the nature of your work.

How can I maintain the results of my mid-face lift?

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, good skincare practices, and sun protection to preserve the results of your mid-face lift. Dermal fillers and laser procedures are examples of non-surgical procedures that can extend the results.

Can a mid-face lift address jowls or sagging skin in the lower face?

The lower face's jowls and sagging skin are not directly addressed by a mid-face lift, which primarily concentrates on the middle third of the face. A traditional facelift or neck lift may be suggested to treat these areas.

Are there any non-surgical alternatives to a mid-face lift?

Dermal fillers, thread lifts, and laser procedures are non-surgical substitutes for a mid-face lift. While these alternatives may result in short-term enhancements, they frequently fall short of the mid-face lift's dramatic and long-lasting effects.

How soon can I exercise after a mid-face lift?

After surgery, most patients can gradually resume light exercise in 2 to 3 weeks, and more demanding activities can be resumed in 4 to 6 weeks. However, it's crucial to adhere to your surgeon's specific instructions when starting an exercise program again.

Is there an age limit for a mid-face lift?

Although there is no set upper age limit for a mid-face lift, patients in their 40s and older are the majority of those who undergo the procedure. But younger patients who have a genetic propensity for mid-face volume loss or sagging may also be candidates.

Can the symmetry of the face be improved by a mid-face lift?

A mid face lift can lift sagging cheeks and add volume, which can help to some extent with facial symmetry, but it is not specifically made to correct severe facial asymmetry. During your consultation, go over your worries with the surgeon.

How do I know if my expectations for a mid-face lift are realistic?

Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about your expectations for the procedure during your consultation. They will assist you in forming reasonable expectations and in understanding what the procedure can accomplish.

How long do I need to wear a compression garment after a mid-face lift?

To aid in reducing swelling and promoting the healing process, a compression garment might be suggested. While there are some exceptions, most patients are advised to wear the garment for at least one week after surgery.

Can a mid-face lift address marionette lines?

By reviving the midface's volume and lifting sagging cheeks, a midface lift can help reduce the appearance of marionette lines. However, other procedures, like dermal fillers, might be better suited to specifically address marionette lines.

How soon can I wear makeup after a mid-face lift?

Within 7 to 10 days of surgery, the majority of patients can start wearing makeup, but it's crucial to adhere to your surgeon's specific instructions for makeup application.

What should I avoid during my recovery from a mid-face lift?

Avoid strenuous activities, excessive sun exposure, and activities that could hurt your face while you're recovering. Additionally, abstain from alcohol and smoking as these can hinder the healing process.

Can I get a mid-face lift if I have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars?

During the consultation, patients who have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars should express their concerns to their plastic surgeon. To reduce the likelihood of complications, the surgeon may suggest particular safety measures or different medical approaches.

How should I prepare for my mid-face lift surgery?

Follow your surgeon's preoperative instructions to get ready for your midface lift, which may include quitting smoking, stopping some medications, and making arrangements for someone to drive you home after the operation.

Will a mid-face lift change the shape of my nose?

A mid-face lift should not significantly change the shape of your nose because it primarily targets the cheeks and mid-face region. However, it can enhance the harmony and balance of your facial features as a whole.

Can a mid-face lift correct facial volume loss due to weight loss or aging?

Yes, by lifting sagging cheeks and moving the fat pads in the mid-face area, a mid-face lift can help restore facial volume lost as a result of weight loss or aging.

Can a mid-face lift address under-eye bags or dark circles?

The appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles can be improved by a mid-face lift, which lifts sagging cheeks and adds volume to the mid-face region. Other procedures, like lower eyelid blepharoplasty, might be more successful in addressing these particular issues.

Can a mid-face lift be performed on patients with previous facial surgeries?

Patients who have had prior facial surgeries may be candidates for a mid-face lift, but it's important to discuss your surgical history with your plastic surgeon during the consultation. They will assess your particular situation and choose the most suitable course of action.

How can I choose the right plastic surgeon for my mid-face lift?

Consider factors like the plastic surgeon's board certification, experience performing mid-face lift surgeries, and before-and-after pictures of their prior patients when selecting the best one for your mid-face lift. To talk about your expectations and goals, schedule a consultation.

Can I have a mid-face lift if I have a history of facial nerve injury or paralysis?

During the consultation, patients who have a history of facial nerve paralysis or injury should express their concerns to their plastic surgeon. Your specific case will be examined by the surgeon, who will decide whether a mid-face lift is necessary or if other procedures should be taken into account.

How soon will I see the final results of my mid-face lift?

The mid face area may initially improve within a few weeks of surgery, but the full effects of a mid-face lift usually become apparent after 3 to 6 months as the swelling goes down and the tissues adjust to their new position.

What can I expect during the postoperative follow-up appointments?

Your surgeon will check on your healing at your postoperative follow-up appointments, take out any sutures or drains, and answer any queries or concerns you may have regarding your recovery and the operation's outcomes.

Can a mid-face lift cause numbness or changes in facial sensation?

Following a mid-face lift, temporary numbness or changes in facial sensation are common. As the nerves recover and regenerate, these sensations typically disappear on their own within a few weeks to months.

What should I do if I experience complications or concerns after my mid-face lift?

After your mid-face lift, call your plastic surgeon right away if you have any problems or questions. They will assess your condition and make the best recommendations for treatment or aftercare.

How does a mid face lift affect facial expressions?

Your facial expressions shouldn't be significantly changed by a well-done mid face lift. The operation aims to restore youthfulness to the midface while preserving your normal facial expressions and movements.

Can a mid-face lift be reversed?

Even though a mid-face lift cannot completely be undone, it is crucial to express your concerns to your plastic surgeon if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your procedure. To address your concerns, they can suggest the proper therapies or revision techniques.

Will a mid-face lift help treat smile lines?

Nasolabial folds, also referred to as smile lines, can be made to appear less noticeable by a mid-face lift that lifts sagging cheeks and adds volume to the mid-face region. To further address smile lines, other procedures like dermal fillers might be suggested.

How does a mid-face lift compare to a liquid facelift?

While a liquid facelift is a non-surgical procedure that uses dermal fillers and injectables to temporarily improve facial volume and contour, a mid-face lift is a surgical procedure that provides long-lasting rejuvenation of the mid-face region. Depending on the products used and the particular patient, the effects of a liquid facelift typically last for several months to a few years.

Can I get a mid-face lift if I have thin skin or weak facial muscles?

Patients with thin skin or weak facial muscles can still benefit from a mid-face lift, but it's important to discuss your specific concerns with your plastic surgeon. They will assess your facial structure and choose the best course of action for you.

How long should I wait between facial procedures if I want to combine a mid-face lift with other surgeries?

Depending on the particular surgeries involved and your personal healing process, the ideal interval between facial procedures will change. A mid-face lift may occasionally be combined with other procedures during a single operation. The ideal course of action for your requirements will be suggested by your plastic surgeon.

Can a mid face lift cause hair loss around the incision sites?

After a mid face lift, temporary hair loss around the incision sites is possible, but this is usually minimal and goes away over time as the hair grows back. Your plastic surgeon will take precautions to ensure that the procedure has the least possible impact on hair growth.

Can a mid-face lift be performed under local anaesthesia?

Depending on the patient's preferences and the surgeon's recommendation, a mid-face lift can be carried out under local anaesthesia with sedation. For greater comfort during the procedure, some patients might choose general anaesthesia.

What is the difference between an endoscopic and a non-endoscopic mid face lift?

A mid face lift that is performed endoscopically uses a tiny camera (endoscope) and specialized tools to operate through smaller incisions with less scarring and a quicker recovery. Incisions and dissection are typically more extensive during a non-endoscopic mid-face lift, which could prolong healing time and increase scar visibility.

How soon can I travel after a mid face lift?

Prior to traveling, it is typically advised to wait at least 2 to 3 weeks, especially if you will be flying. This gives the body time to heal at first while lowering the chance of complications brought on by changes in air pressure or extended immobility.

Can a mid-face lift address crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes?

A mid-face lift primarily targets the cheeks and mid-face area; crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes are not its primary focus. Other procedures, such as Botox injections or an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, may be advised to address these issues.

Can a mid face lift cause permanent changes in facial sensation?

After a mid face lift, temporary changes in facial sensation are frequent, but permanent changes are uncommon. As the nerves recover and regenerate, most patients feel their sensation return within a few weeks to months. Discuss your worries with your plastic surgeon if your sensations change for an extended period of time.

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Update Date: 26.04.2023
Assoc. Prof. Tarık Çavuşoğlu
Assoc. Prof. Tarik Cavusoglu
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist
The content of the page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.

+90541 932 4689

Assoc. Prof. Tarık ÇavuşoğluAssoc. Prof. Tarık ÇavuşoğluPlastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist
+90541 932 4689